Sunday, May 2, 2010

Eclipse Reshoots: Is Robert Pattinson Not Working and Playing Well with Others? I'm Not Buyin' it!

Check out this article. We keep hearing rumblings of problems. Which is believable since they're doing reshoots so late in the game. BUT - I've always read how extremely professional Robert Pattinson has been on set - on pretty much any film he's ever worked on.

Bottom line - I don't believe he'd play Diva in the slightest. BUT where there is smoke, there is fire.... and I DO believe he won't do something if he strongly disagrees with it. Remember what Catherine said about him refusing to wear the extensions for Twilight?? (Thank GOD because that would have been horrible and Fabio-esque!)  And he went so far as to sit in the chair for 5 hours and get them - but when he saw them he said "No way!"

GOOD FOR YOU, ROB! Stick to your guns! He seems to be pretty in tune with Edward Cullen, don't you think? I think I trust him. I really do.


Tracey C said...

Never heard the extension thing before...Thank god he didn't do it!! Being a Diva doesn't sound like anything he's done before so if he is being difficult I agree that it must be for a good reason!

Purgatory Carol said...

Tracey - get this - we actually heard that from Catherine Hardwicke at a convention last year. She tells a ton of great stories when she speaks live. I'd love to see her speak again. In fact - when this is all said and done - it would be cool to have a panel with all four directors answering questions.