Sunday, May 30, 2010

MTV Awards Commercial: Tom Cruise aka Les Grossman and Rob Pattinson

This will make you tinkle. If you haven't seen Tropic Thunder,  Tom Cruise is playing his character from the film - Les Grossman; a douchebag Hollywood producer.

Warning - Tom Cruise floats the f-biscuit once or twice in this video and a whole lotta times in the link. LOL


Tracey R. said...

OMG WE LOVE LES GROSSMAN!!! I just dragged John upstairs to watch this--HILARIOUS. John's comment, and I quote, "Les Grossman is producing? Wow! I wonder if he'll be on the show--I might watch."

LOL the part where RPattz goes, "Uh, uh...dirt?" HIL-LAR-I-US.

Purgatory Carol said...

I know. Tom Cruise is HILARIOUS as LG. I just brought the laptop out to show Tom because he loves him too. SO funny.

Megs said...

"Playa!!" Hahaha

Tracey C said...

To fricken funny!

JeDeCe said...

Every time I watch this it gets funnier and funnier! LG is epic!

"Play-a!" So funny!

I'm defo watching now.