Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Breaking Dawn (but not placenta)

OK so isn't THIS an interesting little Pop Sugar interview with Melissa Rosenberg.... Complete with the following commentary regarding what we will and WILL NOT see in the birthing scene:

The childbirth — all the scenes, I feel — should be on screen. I think perhaps what I was referring to was, would we actually see Edward's teeth through the placenta? I don't think so. I don't think we need to see that, and if someone needs to see that, I think they should take a look at that. [Laughs.] I believe it will be implied, but I don't think we'll see teeth in the placenta. 

Frankly... I don't know how I feel about that. I mean - Do I want to see Rob Pattinson's face all full of reproductive lady gunk? Um, no. But... do I want it to be DAMN WELL IMPLIED what he did to save Bella? Abso-effing-lutely. 

I also found the following to be a VERY interesting quote regarding Kristen Stewart and what she'll have to do once Bella is no longer human:

I think seeing Bella as a vampire and her adjusting to her powers and embracing them, those are all really fun scenes to write. Particularly when you picture Kristen Stewart playing her, and the way she's embodied Bella as a sort of awkward, fidgety persona. When she turns into a vampire, all of that goes away.

Well.... now... isn't that interesting??? Kstew is going to be expected to be NORMAL once Bella turns. No breathing heavily... no worried eyes... no staring straight ahead as if at nothing when looking at Edward. (But not straight into his eyes... we know that's not possible.)  That alone will be worth the price of the ticket (most likely $20 by the time the damn thing comes out)... definitely.


JeDeCe said...

Good God, this could be a mess...Bella as a vampire played by an actress that clearly DOESN'T know how to act in any fashion except blinky, stuttery & fidgety?

KStew, I think this is your cue to take a few acting lessons. You may embody Pre-Vamp Bella (by your own declaration), however, you've got a long way to go before you are 'Cullen Cool'!

I read an iterview with Melissa Rosenberg where she promised some sexy times with Edward & Bella as well! The Remember Me scenes were pretty hot and that was PG-13...Gaaah! There's hope yet! Bring on the headboard ripping, pillow biting and coma inducing sex!

Purgatory Carol said...

Tracey always blames Kstew for not showing any emotion with her eyes. I asked if it could be because of the dark brown contacts? I guess not because eye emotion also involves eyebrows, shape of eyes, etc...

Bring on all of it. God I just salivate over the thought of seeing Rob Pattinson from behind - standing waist-deep in the water - looking out at the moon. SHIVERS SHIVERS SHIVERS.

Then again - I don't have a good track record. My favorite book scenes are usually completely omitted from the movies. Hmmm....

Tracey C said...

Saw Eclipse again...can't wait to own it as I think it is the best one yet and closet to the's hoping all the above works out and finishes the series with a bang! Finaly saw Remember Me...god Banana face is a VERY good actor! Here's hoping KStew can hold up her end!!

Tracey C said...

My hubbie calls him Banana face from the shape of his's just kinda astuck around here when refering to

Purgatory Carol said...

BANANA FACE?!? BWA HA HA HA HA!!! PS - Totally agree. Eclipse is the best. It's one of those films that will be watchable over and over again when it comes out on video. Like Twilight. New Moon - not so much.

Tracey C said...

Yes, Banana Face is what my darlin calls has stuck and if I talk about Twilight at all with him I refer to him as Banana Agree New Moon has been watched 2 times since Video...Twilight over and over and Eclipse OVER and OVER!!!