Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Edward Cullen's Breaking Dawn Wardrobe. REALLY???

It's that time of year again... the time when the leaves are falling... and the air is crisp... and I feel the desperate need to discuss what Edward's been wearing lately.

Case in point. Really? REALLY?!? Are you effing KIDDING ME?!?

Edward Cullen... the man who wore mostly white or light-colored clothing. The man who wore snazzy leather jackets and turtlenecks. The man who would never in a gazillion years (about how long he's been alive) be caught DEAD (uh...nevermind) wearing an ensemble like THIS on his honeymoon.

Yeah. THAT Edward.

I mean... I just don't get it. Did he buy that shirt at the Catholic School Uniform Shop??? And PS, Edward, it's pretty see-through, mmmkay? You are one rain shower away from being naked from the waist up. And the pants. Lorddddddd the pants! I have two words for you: BO. RING.  And I don't really understand the shoes as they are brown and the pants are black. But whatevs. I'm so far gone over the rest of it that I can't even bother myself with what he's wearing on his feet.

And let me ask you this: If he's so freezing all the time then why in god's name are his sleeves rolled up that far?!? Riddle me THAT, Batman!!!

Now Bella... BELLA on the other hand.... Somebody call Patsy and Eddy because she is Absolutely FABULOUS!! Adorable little ensem... thanks to Alice's swell taste in clothing. Thank god the powers that be didn't mess with what Bella should be wearing on a proper honeymoon. And I think she's even wearing a lot of her own hair. Just fabu.

1 comment:

Mali said...

Agree. Bella looks great. Edward not so much. Haha