Monday, October 1, 2012

Breaking Dawn 2: Here We Go!

OH boy.  Now it begins.  Six weeks away!  Let's have some fun, shall we?

Jasper:  Why so angry??
Alice:  Does Pat Benatar know you raid her wardrobe?
Esme:  Is it me, child, or do you look like Christopher Lambert in Highlander?
Carlisle:  You poor, sweet thing. Is that you or Amanda Bynes in "She's the Man"?
Jacob:  Can't say much here.  Lookin' good.
Bella:  I see they have you sportin' the beauty pageant wig again, huh?
Edward:  Lorddddddddddddddd the hair!! It makes you look like Pauly D!!!
Rosalie:  Or is it Rosemary, as in Rosemary's Baby?!  Truly terrifying! Maybe Carrie?!
Emmett:  Ditto.  And I bet you're mad that Edward's Pauly D 'do is better than yours.