Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Awesome New Moon Trailer

Here's a new fan-made New Moon trailer. Honest to god, it made me cry. I am so sad over Jacob right now (maybe because I'm early on in my reread of Breaking Dawn) and this just drove a knife right through my heart. I am BEYOND STOKED for this movie (insert nervous laughter here).


Jenn said...


(that's all I can say...oh, and I just realized that my eyes are as big as saucers right now. Give that fan a job!!! Excellent work!)

Mary Kay said...

That trailer was awesome. You are so right, how are we going to make it until November 20th! And then, what will we do beyond that for the follow-ups.

Did you know that a 34-year-old driver of a yellow Porsche was killed in an apparent case of road rage in Long Beach, Long Island on May 15, 2009. Do you think there is some New Moon connection???