Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Survery Says! No, Thank you!

I give you... the first original New Moon artwork. And I warn you; I'm not happy.


Jenn said...

OK...I hate this. There, I said it. Hate Jacobs pouty immature look, hate that Edward looks so scrawny, hate that Jacob looks short next to Edward...I won't go on.
I know, I know, I'm probably in for a world of hate myself for admitting this...but if this is the real New Moon poster, I think its crap.
My apologies to any I may have offended.

Purgatory Carol said...

I am SO WITH YOU. I got so excited to see it - and posted it - and then took a good look and said "Hold on a minute here". Edward's front-and-center. Why? The whole point is that he's GONE for most of this book. Jacob never gave a look like that in his life (at least not in New Moon.)Bella is holding on to Jacob like she's getting ready for her Dancing with the Stars warm-up. Bella should be in front - maybe leaning her head on Jacob's shoulder... and Edward's face should be translucent behind them or something. I just don't get this at all. Oh and wait - why is Jacob like holding Bella back from Edward? That's not what happened. UGH. OK I'll shut up now.

Purgatory Carol said...

PS - Is Jacob punching Bella in the ovary? Does she have cramps?