So I just read this national ledger article where Rob P is talking about how he can't go out because everyone recognizes him... even with his hoodie and sunglasses... and he just can't figure out why. Gee. I wonder. And while musing that maybe it's his nose that's giving him away, he comments that girls don't flirt with him, but are scared to death to talk to him. To this I say:
HELLO?! MCFLY?! How is it POSSIBLE that you don't understand what's happening here, Rob? They don't really want you. They think they want you... but they really want Edward Cullen. And you aren't Edward Cullen. You just play him on TV. And if you don't want them to notice you, it might be a good idea to trade in your black jeans, black shoes, black hoodie and black hat for a nice pair of faded jeans... and maybe a green or possibly blue t-shirt. Or if you really want to be like Edward Cullen, you could sport a pair of khakis and a white v-neck, which is REALLY how Edward Cullen would dress. Not in black from head to toe, which Stephenie Meyer clearly stated he NEVER WORE. But that's my beef with the Twilight producers/director; not you. So either get some color into your wardrobe... or suck it up, Silly!
I'm afraid that them there's fightin' words, Cuz.
Oddly enough, I seem to have an increasingly intense crush on this man, whether he's Edward, Rob, or Cedric...hell, I'm even digging the muppet hair.
That being said, I certainly hope he's got some one washing those clothes, since they seem to be the only ones he owns...
I know. I battled with myself about whether I was too harsh. I love me some RPattz... but c'mon. He doesn't know why people recognize him? It's because he dresses like a damn vampire every day! If he put on a pair of jeans and a tshirt with some color in it...and threw on a baseball hat as a disguise, he'd be fine. It reminds me of the girls in Catholic school who constantly pranced down the main hallway where all the nuns' offices were...wearing stuff they shouldn't wear and chewing gum...and got caught and got demerits...and then said "Why do I always get caught?!" LOL Stretching - yes. But still. It's almost insulting to walk around in those ratty clothes every day and then say he doesn't know why people recognize him. OK. I'm done. I'll get down off my soapbox now. And let's face it, I'll most likely be swooning again tomorrow. ;)
After reading the article, Yes, "QUAKING" would be the best word to describe how I would act IF I ever meet him. You're right...he is oblivious. sigh......
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