Saturday, June 27, 2009

Book 1 musings

I just reread many chapters of Twilight on the beach. I have to admit - once you know the whole story - and go back and reread the first book... well... Edward does seem a little creepy. LOL I'm like "Wow he was SUCH a stalker!" But I was so dazzled by him during the first read... I guess I just didn't notice.

Another thing I didn't notice... the weirdness of this:

"Thank you" I murmured. I realized there were tears in my eyes. I dabbed at them, embarrassed. He touched the corner of my eye, trapping one I missed. He lifted his finger, examining the drop of moisture broodingly. Then, so quickly I couldn't be positive that he really did, he put his finger to his mouth to taste it. I looked at him questioningly, and he gazed back for a long moment before he finally smiled. "Do you want to see the rest of the house?"

Um, HELLO?! Dude? No! What I want is for you to STOP tasting my ocular fluids, mmmkayyy?

An amusing quote I came across today:

I doubted there were any etiquettte books detailing how to dress when your vampire sweetheart takes you home to meet his vampire family.

And last but not least...(and I'm showing my age with this one): Have you ever sortof thought Bella Swan as being a modern-day Marilyn from the Munsters? You know... when she's just hanging out with the Cullens, being all fragile and human? The thought truly cracks me up.

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