Monday, June 1, 2009

Everything looks better in the morning!

OK so this AM both Jenn M. and Kim H (who I don't even know but she's friends with cool Kim from the shore so she must be cool) pointed out that Bella is wearing a different jacket in the "Jake run!" scene than she is in the Laurent scene. Soooo....they DIDN'T mess with the Laurent scene. And for this, I am eternally grateful. AND - I just watched the breakup scene again and almost cried - but this time for Edward. After reading Midnight Sun - and that 4 pager blurb when he was in the attic in South America in New Moon - can you even IMAGINE what was going through that poor guy's head when he dumped her? Oh man. Bringin' the crazy. Stephenie Meyer - please - don't make me beg more (but you know I will).

PS - Hope you liked my erratic posting last night during the awards. Which only goes to show that I truly do live in p-u-r-g-a-t-o-r-y over the Twilight series. It just ain't right. They will commit me before this is all over and Breaking Dawn comes out. I just hope they let me watch it in the rubber room.


Mercedes Wall said...

Everything does look better in the morning, but I'm still giddy from the movie trailer and the Kristen incident with the award... I love her! She is so Bella! An I think that Rob is secretely in love with her, or is that totally known to the rest of the world and I'm just too stupid to realize.

Purgatory Carol said...

No! You're not stupid! I change my mind every day about the two of them. I never really seriously considered it until last night. She was enraptured by him when he was on stage the first time. And the way he laughed when she dropped the award was very sweet - like they are extremely close. And I can't wait for the next trailer. BRING ON JANE!

Jen M said...

I agree with you guys. These two definitely have a great "thing." This is just not a plain old "friendship." I hope they are together - even secretly. Based on the awards show, yes, Carol I agree with you...Kristen definitly showed some affection from the seats. Hey, notice how Nikki Reed wasn't there? Hmmm...a little bitter are we?

Purgatory Carol said...

Yeah what is up with THAT???? What the hell ELSE does she have going on?!