Monday, June 29, 2009

My sister's keeper...

Have I mentioned I have two sisters? Cuz I do. Jill - who lives for vampires, has read Twilight and seen the movie, and is yet to pick up the copy of New Moon I sent her. And Tracey - to whom I would never have sent a Twilight novel, thinking she wouldn't like it - yet she's reading the series and is completely addicted. What is interesting is the fact that Tracey is a writer. Like... a REAL writer. Is published and shiz. Novels? No. Articles? Yes. She's an Editor and has been one since moving out of my parents house and taking her Teen Beat collection with her.

So - Tracey started Twilight last weekend... started New Moon on Thursday, Eclipse on Saturday and is plugging along with Breaking Dawn as I type. And she's been sending me little emails all day that say things like:

"On page 223.

SOOOOOOOO loving Jacob.

Bella = Big. Fat. Dope." think we're sisters? Yeah. Me too. Anyway - she sent me an email today with her thoughts on Breaking Dawn (this was this AM, she's way past this now because she's a speed demon) and I HAD to share. I love reading reactions from people while they're reading the books. It's So. Much. FUN!

I am one chapter into Book Two (Jacob's part). I put it down a bit after midnight, figuring that I will have all day today to read it.

So here are my thoughts so far:

• The wedding was great.
• Page 58 made me cry.
• I want to go to Isle Esme.
• Midnight swim. Le sigh.
• Loved the, ahem, honeymoon (tho a few additional details would be nice). Freak officially on!

• Book structure....specifically, that we're now hearing Jacob's POV. It was interesting when done at the very end of Eclipse, but I'm not sure how I feel about this entire book being divided that way. I wonder if we will get Edward's side at all...
• Is Jacob REALLY going to turn bad? I hope not.

• Pregnant???????????? PREGNANT??????? WHAT THE EFF???????? When did this fucker suddenly morph into Alien? Maybe on the plane ride home, the thing will pop out of Bella's stomach and start singing "Hello My Baby" a la Spaceballs! Seriously, if she's carrying some freaky vampire alien spawn, that is just going to be too over the top for me. I'm praying it's some other physical condition--or maybe there's an outside weird bizarro chance that it's Jacob's baby. Or maybe the Isle Esme is really the Lost island and she's been impregnated by an Other.

• And while we're on the subject, since when did Bella start getting all maternal and baby-obsessed? This is WAY out of the blue for her character.

• And by the by, you think maybe instead of being like "Rosalie, help me--it seems that Edward has knocked me up with a freakazoid alien vampire baby that's gestating in dog years, but I really want to keep it because, well, just think about how dreamy he's gonna look," Bella might think about the fact that there is a FREAKAZOID ALIEN VAMPIRE BABY inside her and want to claw it out with her own hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously I do NOT like where this is going, but I am going to but my faith in Edward's hands and trust that everything comes out ok....


Mercedes Wall said...

My cousin and I are constantly texting each other quotes from the books. She was recently at the zoo and could not part from the mountain lion exhibit! Ha, ha! She cracks me up! We're closer than ever because of these books. I love it!

Purgatory Carol said...

I love that! I would be the same way. Now I want to go to the zoo!!