So tonight I was doing laundry (I can hear the Rowan U. girls running away from this post, thinking it's going to be boring and they're late for a party ;) and I started thinking about Stephenie Meyer. I started thinking about the MTV awards... and how she wasn't there. And I was wondering why. One of my mother's favorite sayings is "Be conspicuous by your absence." And clearly, Stephenie Meyer was extremely conspicuous by hers on Sunday night. (Of course my mother used to say that to me when she was dragging me to Northwestern PA to see my grandparents for Thanksgiving, and I was missing the Homecoming dance, but I digress.)
So after a few minutes of pondering this, I decided I was proud of Stephenie Meyer. She could be very different about all of this. She could be going to awards - hobnobbing with the world - but she's not. She could be trying to get every bit of limelight possible - but she's not. For whatever reason, she has decided to "sit this one out" if you will. And I'm insanely impressed by that. If it were me, I'd have had my ass planted right in between Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart during the awards. I'd have gotten every designer in Manhattan to bring me dresses. And I'd have had my own little "almost kiss" with Carlisle (with Jenny AND Esme's blessing, of course) - only I'd have faked him out and gone in for the kill. But not Stephenie Meyer. Lord knows what she was doing on Sunday night. Watching in her sweats with her family at home, perhaps? (Finishing Midnight Sun, perhaps?) Regardless, she is one CLASS ACT and I am once again reminded of my respect and high regard for this woman. And as I said in the early days of this blog and should be saying a lot more these days: It's. Not. About. The. Movies. It's about the books. All of it. All of this. And we all need to remember that a little more often.
OK so why is it weird? Because - after the laundry was finished (yeah right) - I came downstairs, looked at my Google homepage, and noticed a blurb on about Stephenie Meyer deleting her Myspace page. She posted a note on her website, saying she has never had a Facebook page - doesn't Twitter - and will only be communicating with fans via her official website. And I'm sure you - like I - will detect a bit of bitterness when she mentions missing the old days of being able to talk to fans online. So I'm guessing she is truly disappearing for a while. And I could not BE more thrilled. It means she's writing, people. It means she's got something cooking and I, for one, cannot wait to find out what. OK so I'm hoping upon hope that it involves a little more Edward - and a little less mermaids - than what has been previously pondered. But - whatever. I just hope Stephenie Meyer is in a good place right now and is truly happy. Because she's brought a lot of happiness into our lives... it's only right she get to enjoy her own.
*Thanks to entertainment weekly for the photo.
Before I address any of the Stephanie Meyer statements, I must remind you and anyone else reading this that while I feel terrible about you missing Homecoming, I am beyond thrilled that we got to spend that time together while growing up! Any hoo...back to Stephanie:
I too was wondering where she was on Sunday. I think Patsy hit it right on the head with the "be conspicuous by your absence" theory. Do you think that she is turned off by the hype the movies are getting? You are so right, Carol, that this is and always should be about the books! I hope that she has ensconced herself in writing again, even if it is about mermaids.
I, for one, am curious to see if she can transfer all that passion from the Twilight Saga to another batch of characters...her storytelling is so absorbing (obviously!) I don't see how she could fail...unless she tries to follow the same theme. I guess that's what I'm afraid of, that because we're all hungry for Edward, we'll devour a new novel or series then have to compare it and NO ONE could be Edward (kind of how you'll never forget your first?).
Oooh damn. Quite a lot to comment on! First off - God bless Jennifer because she's the one who had to listen to me lament all weekend when I was missing the aforementioned Homecoming dance. ;) Secondly - hell no, you never forget your first. And that's all I've got to say about that! (said in Forest Gump voice). Thirdly - and this is a big thirdly - I think Stephenie Meyer needs to keep writing the Twilight series. Prequels prequels prequels. Carlisle's story. My god, the material! Or go forward and give us Renesmee and Jacob. But seriously - she IS Twilight. And you are so right. We're just going to compare all over the place. I've asked three people how they liked The Host and all three have said "eh - I couldn't really get into it". And that's not to say she won't turn out a phenomenal future book series (dear lord let is not be about mermaids) but she will have a hard time because of your point exactly. Comparisons.
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