I've already made no bones about the fact that I am beyond impressed with Kristen Stewart for agreeing to cut off her hair for her role as Joan Jett in The Runaways. But I haven't shared with you my feelings on what she's doing for the fashion sense of today's youth.
When I first started paying attention to Kstew in the media, I was less-than-thrilled with her wardrobe choices. I wanted her to girl it up a bit and maybe trade in the Converse for a day here and there. But I have done a complete and utter 180 - and here's why.
I went to the movies the other day... and my online Twi-bud, Kim, can attest to how (some of) the young girls are dressed at our local movie theater. They tend to look like - how can I put this mildly? BIG FAT HO'S. Pants with rises so low they have to get a Brazilian just to be seen in them. Shirts with so much cleavage showing you could hide your car keys. And I'm talking about kids in highschool, people. But...when I went to the movies the other day, do you know what the kids were all wearing? Skinny jeans - hoodies - and Converse sneakers. They looked like friggin kids and not hookers. It was a beautiful thing. And I am giving 100% credit to Kstew. And PS - I am loving the hair. I think it's fabu. A little framing around the face never hurt anyone and I think it does wonders for her.
What a refreshing look for the high-schoolers! If K-Stew is indeed responsible (and I tend to agree with you on that) then maybe I can warm to her a bit...until she, of course, opens her mouth.
PS-the haircut is cute.
I know. Kstew needs some classes on how one can actually make sense in an interview. She also need not be flipping off the Paps. It's trashy and not at all becoming of one who wins large gold popcorn statues.
You know what a Kstew fan I am. I always liked her fashion style. I like that she's the anti-Paris Hilton/The Hills kinda young lady. I agree she has to tone it down a bit with the attitude during interviews. I can't figure out if she's shy or just got a huge chip on her. I LOVE her new do.
That's EXACTLY what changed my mind about her! All it took was one episode of that mindless "The Hills" with their vomit-rific perfection competition to make me realize how utterly refreshing Kstew is.
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