So last week my sister suggested I submit my blog to I am all kinds of shy about it - probably because my Catholic upbringing pretty much drilled it into my head that everything I do basically sucks. But I digress. So anyway... I found some guts - and emailed Seth, Stephenie's brother and webmaster. And when I didn't get a response I figured they're closed to new links... or they think my blog is silly... etc, etc. Today, however, I happened upon via a google search for something Twilated... when what to my wandering eyes did appear but MY BLOG LINK - on Stephenie's website. So because of that I say THANK YOU, SETH!! and THANK YOU, STEPHENIE!! I cannot tell you how thrilled I am that my lil-ol blog link is on your
fan sites page!!
TAKE A LOOK BELOW EVERYONE! My link is in green! PS - yes - you can see from my screen capture that I actually had to google how to do a screen capture. LOL
I am SOOOO proud of you!!!
What an honor. You know how people say "I can't believe that happened?" Well, I believed it could. Your blog is AWESOME!! You do such a great job with it.
Great job Carol!!
You guys rock. Thanks for always commenting and keeping the conversations going. And thanks for talking me down off my twi-ledge from time to time! ;)
I am sooooo excited for you!!! I just squealed here at work, right at my desk! (My coworkers think I'm nuts, anyway)
LOL Jenn D - no wonder I'm getting Star Trek email from Curt.
Wow!!!! Congratulations!! You definitely deserve it!
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