Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Inhale. I'm having a Twi-moment.

So last week my sister suggested I submit my blog to Stepheniemeyer.com. I am all kinds of shy about it - probably because my Catholic upbringing pretty much drilled it into my head that everything I do basically sucks. But I digress. So anyway... I found some guts - and emailed Seth, Stephenie's brother and webmaster. And when I didn't get a response I figured they're closed to new links... or they think my blog is silly... etc, etc. Today, however, I happened upon stepheniemeyer.com via a google search for something Twilated... when what to my wandering eyes did appear but MY BLOG LINK - on Stephenie's website. So because of that I say THANK YOU, SETH!! and THANK YOU, STEPHENIE!! I cannot tell you how thrilled I am that my lil-ol blog link is on your fan sites page!!

TAKE A LOOK BELOW EVERYONE! My link is in green! PS - yes - you can see from my screen capture that I actually had to google how to do a screen capture. LOL


Jenn M said...

I am SOOOO proud of you!!!

What an honor. You know how people say "I can't believe that happened?" Well, I believed it could. Your blog is AWESOME!! You do such a great job with it.

shannon said...

Great job Carol!!

Purgatory Carol said...

You guys rock. Thanks for always commenting and keeping the conversations going. And thanks for talking me down off my twi-ledge from time to time! ;)

Jenn D said...

I am sooooo excited for you!!! I just squealed here at work, right at my desk! (My coworkers think I'm nuts, anyway)

Purgatory Carol said...

LOL Jenn D - no wonder I'm getting Star Trek email from Curt.

Mercedes Wall said...

Wow!!!! Congratulations!! You definitely deserve it!