Sunday, July 26, 2009

Know why I find this rather interesting?

I came across this little diddy about Rob Pattinson auditioning for Twilight because he dug Kristen Stewart... and I found it interesting. Not because I give a shit whether they're shagging or not. But because Kristen Stewart - the girl with the worst attitude on the planet when it comes to interviews - was picked to be Bella before anyone else was cast. She had major influence about who would play Edward. How is that POSSIBLE? What was she, 16 at the time? This was a major motion picture and they left decisions like that to a kid? And it's not that I don't realize how insightful teens can be. Just the other day, my 13 year old niece Megan said "I don't know why they picked Kristen Stewart to play Bella. She never smiles and she always looks annoyed. Bella's a fun girl. She laughs and she's funny! I don't get it." Well, Meg, I don't get it either. I am tired of dancing around this topic and trying to be nice. IT'S TRUE. Kristen Stewart never smiles while playing Bella Swan! I don't know if it was her decision - or bad direction - but SOMEBODY has got to make Bella smile once in a while. It's completely unbelievable that anyone would like her in the slightest. And believe me - I will understand if she doesn't smile too much in New Moon. I mean, DUH. She was miserable during most of the book. But come ON people. Ugh can you tell I'm still tres annoyed after her Comic-Con antics last week? I'm just utterly disgusted and I don't know if it's going to go away any time soon...


Kelly McCourt said...

Thank you, I dont like kristen stewart , never have and never will. she played in the movie speak wich also is a book that I loved but she ruined it for me. she should not have played taht part and she should not be playing this part either.She is the reason I can barely look at the book sometimes. UGHHHHH thanks for posting that blog.

Purgatory Carol said...

SURE! I am sure there are a lot of people out there who feel this way. I usually give her the benefit of the doubt and figure maybe she's not being directed properly. But after her BS at Comic Con, I'm done.

JennD said...

KStew is a waste. And I don't say this because I love RPattz, but because she is truly an obnoxious girl.

And for the record, I've always thought so.

Tracey R. said...

Here's the biggest problem: SHE CANNOT ACT. I could forgive all her bullshit if she truly moved me onscreen, but sorry--her "performance" is like watching paint dry.

Purgatory Carol said...

It's always the same. THERE! I SAID IT! Lots of squinting... shaking her head... sucking in air. Again - I try so hard to think maybe it's the direction? I haven't seen her in much else... and I'm trying to be fair. I'm my patience is fading FAST.

Purgatory Carol said...

And Jenn - I know. You have always been down on her. I was the cheerleader - all "I love her because she's not a Beverly Hills ho!" - but my lurve is quickly deteriorating. If it's even there at all. She'd have to publicly apologize at this point to get me to like her again.

Kelly McCourt said...

Ok Tracey I absolutley love the comparation of the paint drying to kstews acting because its so true! She is just not a good actress, like at ALL! And Carol thats all i ever think about when I see her the whole shacking stutering and sucking in air. the worst part in the entire movie is when she is in the hospital and rob says that he should leave her and she does that whole Nnnnno NO you Ccant thing ughh its so annoying and she drags that whole part on for like 2 min.!

Purgatory Carol said...

iiii...nooooo whhhhh whhhatttt....iiii....don't.....iiiii....whattttare.....what... are... you...TALKING....about????

Shannon said...

So true!! Her attitude drives me nuts!!! When she talks you get the feeling like she is doing it b/c she has to not b/c she wants to. Ugh!! Annoying!!!
ps. hate the hospital scene too!!

Kelly McCourt said...

I know she has such a la di da attitude toward the whole thing she is simply driving me crazy! whenever I see her on magazines I fume and cant resist going up to it and flicking her face. (yeah strange but i cant help it!)