Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sex, Lies and Videotape

OK you know what? Kstew is losing my affections - FAST. Here is what I just emailed Jenn M about my thoughts on her appearance below: "And I don't care if she's jet lagged - or still in Joan character - or just plain constipated. That was bad stage presence and her "people" should have told her to conduct herself otherwise." I believe I also said something to the effect of "Dear Shark Boy, This movie could make or break your career. If I were you, I'd growl. I'd growl all damn day. And I'd like it. Your pal, Carol "


Elissa M. said...

I agree with you on her stage presence. She just looks uncomfortable and not really into it.

Tracey R. said...

She looks like a BI-ATCH is what she looks like. She has no idea what a lucky muthaeffah she is, as there are about seven million other people (including the cardboard cutout of Edward) who could have played Bella with more personality. As I told Carol, Jodie Foster should have left KStew's ass locked up in the panic room.

Purgatory Carol said...

I love that line, Tracey, and Tom got quite a chuckle out of it, too. PS - I love how I said she might be jet-lagged. What, did I think she was FLYING to San Diego... from LA?! ROFLMAO!!!

Tracey R. said...

Here was my original commentary to Carol on this press conference:

Stewart: major biatch, has Tourettes
Lautner: adorable, a credit to his parents, polite, w/b a good interview
Pattinson: should have done a tequila shot before the press conference--just needs to freakin RELAX

Purgatory Carol said...

I don't think I"ve seen all of the press conference yet. I'll have to watch more. I've just been so down over Joan, I mean Kristen's attitude, that I haven't wanted to watch any more.

Kelly McCourt said...

wow she stinks I do not like her at all please just please someone refilm twighlight and new moon with a different bella!

Purgatory Carol said...

I watched 1 - 4 of the panel discussions yesterday. I don't think I can watch the rest. Not only did KStew practically convulse at one point while answering a simple question, but all of them skated over some very basic, highly answerable questions. They can't come up with their funniest moment on set? Come ON!!! These people are all WAY too affected. With the exception of Taylor Lautner who seems to think the rest of them are on crack but he's happy to be along for the ride.