Thursday, August 27, 2009

1st shot of Edward in Eclipse! Squeee!

Hmmm. Double hmmm. Once I got finished fangirling over the first shot of Rob Pattinson made up as "Edward Cullen" on the Eclipse set, I took a good, hard look at the emsem. AND the makeup. And three words came to mind: The. Village. People. Did they fly RPattz's sisters in to make him up like they used to when he was 12? Cuz he's looking pretty feminine in these pictures. Now don't get me wrong here. I mean him ZERO disrespect. It's a movie - and they have to use makeup. I get that. But between the hair color, the red lips, the white face and the stellar jean jacket (Edward Cullen in a jean jacket?! yikes) I'm getting "Macy's catalog girls section" instead of "vampire who single-handedly snuffs the life out of Victoria". But hey... that's just me. *Thanks to socialiteslife for the photo.

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