OK this is a little strange. NewMoonMovie.org is reporting that there is a total rumor about Breaking Dawn being made into a three part trilogy. I have read previously that Stephenie Meyer even said she thought it should be made into multiple films. But three? That's an interesting concept to ponder. Again - total rumor - I am so not "reporting" anything here.
Here's a quote I am not overly thrilled with:
There will likely be quite a bit of tweaking to the novel due to the explicit sex and birth scenes to avoid an R rating.
I don't like the word "tweaking" in this case. No way. The book is the book. The story is the story. Trying to avoid an R rating is something I find really upsetting. Ya know, as a more mature Twilight fan, I have had to endure a different Volvo... dark clothes on Edward... an attempt at "Dark and Scary Edward" ("AS IF I WOULD NEED ANY OF THATTTT")... and lots of strange fashions from Bella (girls, leave your converse at home while attending the prom) - all so they can pander to the teen market. Clearly they weren't expecting the onslaught of 30 and 40-somethings who love these books. And now they've made a weird one-dimensional, shooting practice-esque Edward for New Moon... so the teens can get their fill of Robert Pattinson....even though Bella only heard Edward's (velvet) voice in the book. (Which is an insult to teens, btw, I think they can handle only hearing Edward's voice. The whole point of him being gone is that. HE'S GONE. It makes the reunion so much better because you haven't SEEN Edward in so long). OK, whatev - I'll deal. But come on. Changing anything about Breaking Dawn so they can get a younger rating? That doesn't sit well with me. That birth scene is intense! It's raw! It's full of emotion! How do you tweak it for a less-mature audience?! Ugh. OK I'll shut up now because a) it's a rumor and b) I'll give myself agida.
*Thanks to newmoonmovie.org for the info and the WAY COOL photo.
Let me say just one thing: no way, no HOW, will ANY of these movies ever get an R rating. It just won't be allowed to happen. No studio is its right mind is going to shut out the 12-17 age audience. Will. Not. Happen.
And actually, I don't think it will be that tough to get a PG-13. The sex scenes w/b easy--no WAY KStew is going to show boob, so we're good to go there. And as for the birth, think about it--your average episode of ER was EXTREMELY bloody and medically violent--and yet it was able to be shown on prime time network TV. So I think they will be able to make it work.
I don't care if it's G, just so long as they don't MESS with the STORY. (I subbed "mess" for what I REALLY wanted to say. I suppose this is a rated PG blog post. ;)
Explicit? EXPLICIT? I'm sorry, but pillow biting is SO NOT EXPLICIT, Stephanie! LOL. Explicit in my head, hells yeah! They shouldn't worry about the translation. Tracey, I agree wholeheartedly with your comments.
Secondly, I don't think that the story will support 3 movies...that seems like alot. I remember hearing that SM thought that it should be split in 2...that may work, but to do 3? I'm with you, Carol, they'd have to make up too much 'stuff'. (See, I can be PG too)
I agree with Stephenie Meyer that they should break this movie into 2. Not 3 though as the article suggests.
Comment 2: The audience is getting older so maybe an R rating would be ok for Breaking Dawn. I mean we need to see that scene when Edward and Bella are in the water. Whoo! They just have to stick to the books!!
That's the thing. We're all right. Tracey's right - they'll never ditch their bread and butter audience by giving it an R rating. Jenn D's right - feathers are not explicit. Jenn M is right - the audiences will be older by the time Breaking Dawn comes out. (And hello, so will the actors!) I just don't want them to change anything. The subject matter is mature. My sister Jill is borrowing Eclipse and Breaking Dawn from her son's friend who read them in 7th grade. I was like "WOW 7th GRADE!" I think that's a little young for Breaking Dawn. But that's just me. I played with Barbies until I was 12, so what do I know?
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