Friday, August 21, 2009

TWO Breaking Dawn movies?!

OK you KNOW I've been blogging too much when I'm so tired I copy my comment on and paste it on my own blog. At any rate, check out the Twilight Lexicon article where they talk about Boo Boo Stewart - aka Seth Clearwater - mentioning that he will be in the next THREE installments of the Twilight series. What I find is interesting is that his REP confirmed it by saying “Boo Boo Stewart will play the character Seth Clearwater in the next three installments of the wildly popular ‘Twilight’ film franchise based on the best-selling novels by Stephenie Meyer,” So DAY-UM. I am all kinds of flustered over this new news.

Here's my comment on Twilight Lexicon, where they're asking how people think Breaking Dawn will be broken up (if it IS in fact going to be broken up. He just said there would be another one after Breaking Dawn. Hmmm):

Wow. Would they do a “to be continued”? That’s the only way I can see doing this. I think it would have to be first movie shows the wedding and honeymoon… and then the cliff-hanger being that Bella is pregnant. (Can’t you just see them ending with Edward’s face upon realizing this news? Remember how freaked out he was? Oh my god it would be classic.) Then movie two starts with her on the couch with Rosalie guarding her…and continues on to the end of the book. Un-LESS they’re going to shove wedding, honeymoon, pregnancy and birth into one film… and do a 2nd film based on the visiting vampires and the Volturi. Um, I’m thinking “yuck” on this because it would lose the central “Bella and Edward” theme that is so present in all the books. But no complaints here. I’ll take my Cullens any way I can get them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...