Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The beach! The truck! The HAIR!

Thank you, Jebus! Kstew is all Bellafied again with a new cute wig. Or piece. Or whatever it is they use in Hollywood to make one look less Joan Jett and more Bella Swan. It looks like her own hair has been dyed to look like the aforementioned fake piece of hair. (Shannon has something cool like this that she calls her "phony pony" and I totally want one.) Bottom line - she looks great. (Note the Kstew compliment. I hope to provide more of them over the coming months.) *Thanks to Radar Online for the photo.


Anonymous said...

that doesnt look like Kristen Stewart to me....

Tracey R. said...

I'm pretty sure it's her. I think the smile and obvious cleanliness make her tough to identify, tho.

Jenn D said...

HA!! Good one, Tracey!

Purgatory Carol said...

ROFLMAO Tracey. It's SO true. She looks all sweetness and light in that shot. And HAPPY, which is a nice change.

Purgatory Carol said...

PS - Kira - I think it's the light eye shadow and dark contacts.

Jenn M said...

This is the Kristen Rob fell for! Welcome back, Kstew!!

shannon said...

she cleans up well

Purgatory Carol said...

LOL Shannon!!