Saturday, September 19, 2009

Good Twi-dish

Loved this Marc Malkin article with comments from Melissa Rosenberg. She shares my "whatev" sentiments on the conglomeration that is Robsten. She's also got some good dish here - specifically the "Riley" character in Eclipse... and how things in New Moon will be "expanded on" in the film. And there is some great, positive commentary from Rachelle LaFevre (who I totally love and am actually getting sadder over as the weeks go by.)

And it is only fair that I point out that Kristen Stewart looks FABU in this shot. I am really proud of her for stepping up to the plate and playing the movie star for her fans at the VMA's. I love Joan Jett even more than the next guy but it was time for Kristen to put her away for a little while. So kudosamundo, Kstew. Long live Bella Swan.


Jenn M said...


#1 - Great pic of Robsten.

#2 - Completely agree with Melissa Rosenberg but I'm still crious about the couple.

Purgatory Carol said...

You know what, Jenn? I hear ya. It's definitely intriguing. But I remember reading an article with Catherine Hardwicke where she said they're close, no matter how you label it. I think that's enough info for me. I've felt that way about people in my own life, ya know? Maybe they don't even know exactly what they are to each other. Acting as characters in love can become very muddled when you walk off set. And I only know that from a high school production! I can't even imagine what it's like to be major actors, signed on for all these movies together. I think I'll be more curious after all the filming is over and they've moved on to other projects. (My god, what will we talk about then?! LOL)

Purgatory Carol said...

PS - Not for nothin'... but they really do look great together in that shot, don't they? Just sayin'... ;)

Jenn M said...

Yes, you're 100% right on both points:

This Robsten relationship - whatever type of relationship it may be will show it's true colors after all the filming is done.

YES again - GREAT shot of the lovely couple. Very Edward/Bella, ya know?

Tracey R. said...

FYI--it's actually a portion of a shot of all three of them. They cut Taylor out of this particular one--he's on her right.

Purgatory Carol said...

I know, I saw that. But it doesn't matter because they're talking to each other and looking cute. (Sorry. I'm contributing to the Robsten nonsense but I can't help it.)