Friday, September 11, 2009

Twilight vs True Blood

Now...I loves me some Eric Northman. I really do. Anyone who has read the Sookie Stackhouse books knows books 4 and 9 are Ericlicious. COMMA HOWEVER - these photos of RPattz as Edward Cullen are S-T-U-N-N-I-N-G. Srsly peeps. Check em out and take the In Style poll. Edward is winning (duh) because there are way too many Twi-loving tweens to make the contest even. Either way, I am looking forward to Sunday's True Blood finale with great eagerness. Word.


Tracey R. said...

Wait where do you take the poll???

Purgatory Carol said...

At the site I linked you to. GO. NOW. Go forte and VOTE, my child!!

JeDeCe said...

oooooh! I voted earlier today on this poll...Seems Edward is kicking some vamp butt!

Must. Vote. Again. ;)