Here's the thing. She IS pretty. She IS talented. So why the "dirty hair"? What's the statement? Sure, everyone goes out in public when they need a shower once in a while. And most of us are lucky enough to do it without cameras in our face. But it seems like it's all the time these days with Kristen. And no, I don't remember her looking like that before Twilight came out... or before making The Runaways movie... or before spending all of her time with Rob P. Again - not trying to bash her, she's worked hard to get where she is. Just wondering why the need to be "that other girl" who doesn't wash her hair or appear to give a damn? She's an actor. PR comes with the territory. PS - I'll always give her props for cutting her hair to look like Joan Jett. A lot of actors would have been too vain. *Thanks to for the photo.
Hey, my November Allure just came in the mail today and I devoured it cover to cover (not that it was difficult, its pretty slim this month). Got to say, the article with KStew is pretty good. I actually shut the mag and thought, 'wow, I don't hate her like I thought I did...'
Now that's sayin' something! ;)
LOL Jenn!!! I actually bought it after I saw that clip and read some parts of the article online. I'm also in that "it's so close to New Moon that I must buy ever Twilight-related item I see" mode. Which explains why I bought an OK mag which is SUCH trash. But I couldn't help it. Friggin RPattz just kept STARING at me while I was loading my groceries onto the belt at Shoprite. I HAD to buy it. I literally could not walk away!!! (Jenn M, I keep forgetting to tell you that. Get it. my kids spilled ketchup on mine. LOL!!!!)
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