I think I might be cheating on Edward Cullen.
I am slightly more than 1/2 way through "Outlander" by Diana Gabaldon - a story that takes place mainly in the Scottish highlands in 1743 - and it's tremendous. If you fell hard for the intensity between Edward and Bella, you will fall OVER when you experience the relationship between _____ and _____. (Dinna want to spoil anything, Lassies. You'll just have to read and find out.) It's just like Twilight in that you'll want to experience it all yourself - and you won't want to talk about it too much with anyone who has read it. And - if that weren't enough, you'll carry the thing around with you - just like you did with Twilight. Even to the Halloween store with your family, so you can read it in the car.
Have to mention - it's not "Young Adult" reading in the slightest. So if you are under 18 - head on over to this none-too-shabby Amazon list of best Young Adult books after Twilight.
Ok, I just went onto Barnes and Noble to check this out. I need to get it now! I am finishing up the Vamp Diaries series....need an adult book to read next. You got me interested!
I have it and have started it but it is a 'hard' read at the get go! Keep pluggin and waiting for it to turn for the corner to something better :o)
Tracey C: KEEP READING!!! Look back on my Outlander email to Carol from a few weeks back for inspiration. Carol experienced exactly the same progression in the reading as I did--you need to get to about page 200 (in the mass market paperback) before it really gets going.
The best part is that there are SEVEN books in the series. Remember that Ms. Stephenie isn't (as far as we know) planning on throwing us a bone anytime soon--this will take us all the way through until May 2010 when the Eclipse movie comes out!!!
Deb and Tracey C - seriously - stick with it. At first it's a little "yeah yeah yawn whatever". Then it picks up a bit - but you're thinking "um OK - it's alright...but is the rest of the book like this?" Then you get to chapter 12 or so - and all HELL BREAKS LOOSE and you're gasping for air. Then you think to yourself "OK this is juicy as hell - hmmmm - I think I like this book" and then after another chapter or two you're like "WHERE IS MY BOOK?! I LEFT IT RIGHT HERE!!" and your family is like "oh no...not again...is this a TWILIGHT book?!"
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