Thursday, October 22, 2009

People Magazine New Moon edition

My sister just found "the mag" at the Shoprite in Short Hills. So clearly my Shoprite needs to get on the ball. Our new friend Deb from Connecticut found it in Barnes and Noble... so I'll be heading there. I've gone from "I don't want to look at any more New Moon stuff until Nov 20th" to a frantic "I must  have this NOW!!!" PS - Ummmm what's JFK doing in it? That's a little weird, no? OK that's all. Later. I'm off to read more Outlander. It's getting good, y'all...


Tracey R. said...

The JFK thing is another magazine LOL.

Tracey R. said...

Tho maybe it's some subconscious statement about the meadow being a "grassy knoll."

Tracey C said...

I want it soooo bad!!!! Canada hurry up!!!!

Purgatory Carol said...

Amazon, maybe?

Tracey C said...

Stopped for Gas today and low and behold!! Awesome shots of them all but kinda thin in quality...wanted a nice thick People I guess :o) But I Have it is the main thing Bought 2 cause my daughter wants some of the pictures for her wall....I knew that as soon as I looked through it...

Never had issues online before but the Blog error the last 24 hours have been slightly annoying :oP

Jenn M said...

I got it!!!

Tracey C said...

Some of the pictures are sooooo good! Looks like we lost the others to