Saturday, October 17, 2009

Robert Pattinson in Joepie Magazine

Check out these photos. I am giggling. Something tells me Rob is, too. Discuss! *Thanks to for the photos.


Jenn M said...

Ok...#1 - I think I have to get a red plaid shirt now. #2 - I LOVE the 2nd pic!! Such EYE CANDY! Yummy.

Purgatory Carol said...

Jenn I just can't stop giggling at these shots. The first one is just so funny. I think they're kindof feminine. I would love to hear RPattz' thoughts on them. You know he'd have something hilarious to say.

Tracey R. said...

Holy crap. Look at pic #2. DOES RPATTZ HAVE A TRAMP STAMP?????

Tracey C said...

Think it is just a shadow...don't like the pic's so much...he looks kinda girlie.

Purgatory Carol said...

I thought the SAME THING - both Tracey's!

Tracey R - one site said it was his butt crack - but it's too high to be crack. So I thought maybe it's hair, since he seems to be a pretty hairy guy. I can't imagine it's a tramp stamp.

Tracey C - I am so happy I'm not the only one. It totally looks girlie!!

PS - Dear Rob or Rob's mom,

I'm so sorry we're dissecting your (or your son's) anatomy. I know it's rude. Please forgive us and please just be flattered. Srsly. Mmmkay?

Love and sparkles,

JeDeCe said...

I cannot look at either of these pictures again, lest I gouge mine own eyes out. HIDEOUS.
WTF is going on in the top photo? How is his head so enormous and his waist so small? This is either a horrid photoshop job or this man is seriously deformed.
I will probably have nightmares tonight...

Tracey C said...

LOL Jen and Carol! Not that bad!! But yes, very girlie bad pictures :o)

Purgatory Carol said...

LOL Jenn D - thanks for the laugh. What I think I don't like is his expression with his arms up overhead. The angle makes it look like he's excited about something about to happen. And since he's lying on a rug, it's like he's anxiously waiting for the after-school special to start. "My mom's having a baaaaaabyyyyyy"....

DebDeb70 said...

I have to say I love the happy trail you can see in the first pic......sorry, my eyes went to the mid section first!

Purgatory Carol said...

LOL! I'm with ya. I call it the "treasure trail". Anyone else have another name for it?

Tracey C said...

Happy Trail, Treasure's all good!!! As you say Carol "I would hit that" only I myself would "Love to Hit the Trail", weither it's to find the treasure or to find Happiness... either way works LOL

Just no more Girlie pictures for the young man!