Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Twilight: Modern Warfare from X-Play


Tracey C said...

OMG!! To Fricken Funny...finaly my 16 yr old will like something about Twilight, instead of rollin his eyes at us he will stay and watch it I am sure!! ROLMAO!

Purgatory Carol said...

Oh yeah. We've got a 13 year old nephew who does the same thing. Refuses to watch the movies. It's so funny. I keep threatening to tie him up and make him watch Twilight. LOL

Tracey C said...

He watched it twice...I teased at his Drill practice last night that he watched Twilight finaly...he was peaved at me for about 2 seconds :oP LOL But if his GF was into Twilight he would be right there with us for her....