Saturday, April 24, 2010

Final Eclipse Trailer on Oprah

As someone said on youtube, OMFG!!!!!!  This looks so good I can't CONTAIN myself. When the vampire army comes out of the water I kept thinking "NO GOD!!"  Oh my god I love David Slade and I think bringing him in was the SMARTEST thing Summit has done to date. Let's review:


Carlisle - where'd that British accent come from? You been hanging out with Madonna? Either way - it doesn't matter. You sound as hot as you look.

Alice - why oh why do we have to have the mousy soundbite in every trailer? It's getting comical.

The music in this trailer is AWESOME! It's the music all the fans always use when they make fan trailers. It's so much more in line with Twilight! I love it!


Tracey R. said...

Ok, yeah, this was good. LOL re: Carlisle--I thought the same thing.

shannon said...


Tracey C said...

Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! LOL Hey, My daughter brought me Zathura to look at the cover....Kstew is the big sister in it...actualy thought she was good in this movie... can't wati for June!

JeDeCe said...

Can you believe I just FINALLY got to sit down and watch this?!?! Oh, I am bouncing in my seat, I'm so excited!!!

I agree, Carol. The wolves look amazing, Jasper has finally grown into his hair (lol), and the vampire army is just CREEPY!

And Edward...Oh, Edward! You haven't looked this delicious since you strutted into the cafeteria oh,so long ago!!!

I. Cannot. Wait!

JeDeCe said...

*In my best Mike Newton voice*

"Hey, Arizona, Ima not likin' the riiing..."

Srsly? I didn't picture it like that. I didn't really like the description in the book either, but this ring looks NOT RIGHT.

(and I removed the previous post because I can obviously not type this Sunday. It was hideous.)

Purgatory Carol said...

TRacey C - I haven't seen that. I'll have to rent it. I did see Into The Wild and thought KStew was good in it.

Wow I have to look closer, Jenn D. I forgot ALL ABOUT THE RING so thanks for reminding me! And you are SPOT ON about Edward not looking this good since he strutted his gorgeousness through the cafeteria. My god how I still love that scene.

Purgatory Carol said...

Tracey R: She's raising an AHHHHRRRMMMYYYY of vampires!