Monday, May 17, 2010

Young Hollywood Vampires

Honestly - I'm mostly posting this because Paul Wesley looks stunning... and I'm going through Vampire Diaries (TV) Withdrawal until September (SOB!)


Tracey C said...

I no eh! Tempted to go buy the books to see what happens next season...but I won't, I will wait for Damon to return...Mmmmmm

Purgatory Carol said...

Ya know, Tracey, that's not a half bad idea. But then again - who knows if they're sticking to the books on the show. My cousin (Jenn D who we worship since PFach tweeted about her) read at least some of them... so I'll ask her.

JeDeCe said...

I read the first 4 books...they were awful. STICK WITH THE TV SHOW! Really, apart from some of the characters, the show is nothing like the books at all...probably why I like it so much.

Tracey C said...

Good to know...Thanks!