Monday, July 26, 2010

Robert Pattinson Gets Chased By Paparazzi Slime

Holy crap. I don't usually post stuff like this because I feel like I'm contributing to the madness. But this time I WANT to. I WANT people to see how relentless and DANGEROUS these parasites are. He's asking them to go away because he has a hard time DRIVING while they're driving up close to him and cutting him off and running stop signs, trying to get a photograph. It's unreal. Actually, it's not, unfortunately. (Two words: Princess Diana). And he's right; they've got a million pictures! You got what you wanted - now GO AWAY. You KNOW they were hoping he'd hit them or grab their camera or something. And did he? No way. What a class act. Honest to god - Robert Pattinson is heads and shoulders above so many other actors in that regard. He's a nice guy. Show some integrity and leave him alone.


Tracey C said...

Yes, Luv Luv Luv to see pictures of the youngin but not at this think they woulda put laws and such into effect after Di and the numerous court cases since when celebs have lost it...the Law makers need to do something for these people...I realy don't care for the pictures that badly! Yes, he is a sweet guy...I woulda lost it when the police did nothing to help!

Jenn M said...

My heart breaks for this guy!! I hate seeing him this way. He is slowly losing himself me thinks.

shannon said...

Come on guys leave the poor guy alone. thats enough!
He has such a great temper!! Kudos to Rob