Friday, September 3, 2010

Kristen Stewart playing Bella's Breaking Dawn violent birth scenes as written

From Kristen Stewart playing Bella's Breaking Dawn violent birth scenes as written

From Melissa Rosenberg, screenwriter for the Twilight series:

"It's on their faces. It's all from Bella's point of view when you're seeing what's going on. It should feel visceral. I think it's going to be pretty intense."

OOOOOH SNAP!!! It's from Bella's point of view. When I was reading it, since Bella was pretty much out after her spinal cord snaps, I always saw the scene from sortof in the middle of Edward and Jacob. Edward on my left (I almost typed "lap") at Bella's feet - Jacob on my right at Bella's head. But we're going to see both Edward and Jacob from Bella's perspective! That gets me all tingley inside! I could weep with joy!

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