Saturday, November 20, 2010

Vampire Diaries: Those "Other" Vampires!


JeDeCe said...

I swear that I left a comment here on this a couple of days ago...but, huh. Now its not here. I may or may not (read: definitely did) have had a glass or 4 of wine before commenting, so there's that. And for all my babbling, believe it or not (read: truth) I have not imbibed not one drop on with the comment...

This boy ROCKS. My. Socks!!!

That's all.

Tracey C said...

LOL....Him and his Vampy brother MMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmm!

Purgatory Carol said...

I don't know WHY I feel comfortable saying I think Paul Wesley is H-O-T... but not RPattz. I think there are only 3 years difference between them.. but that 3 years makes ALL the diff! PW is closer to 30 than 20. LOL That's what makes it less grody, I'm convinced! Either way - he is stunning. Seriously. Someone once said they couldn't look away from their TV screen during Pillars of the Earth because Eddie Redmayne was so gorgeous. I feel like I almost can't look AT the TV when Paul Wesley is on! He's not REAL! He CAN'T be! No one THAT good looking can be real!

LOL I am hysterical at my own gushing over a twenty-something. I'm going to shut UP now seeing as I'm not really fond of the "Cougar" label, thankyouverymuch!