Friday, February 27, 2009

The Home Stretch - Book 3

Spoiler Alert: Don't read this unless you're way the hell into Eclipse and are biting your nails to see what the outcome is.

My head is spinning. I feel like Bella, all out of breath and stuttering. Last night, Edward proposed. (And I was more excited than she was.) That was the sweetest proposal the way he gave her his mother's ring and got down on one knee. When I found out she wouldn't wear the ring I wanted to punch her in the stomach. How could she be so cold? He's the one who's supposed to be dead.

I am at the point in this series where I have no idea what to expect and don't want to even look at people who are reading (or god forbid finished) book 4. I am expecting them to come through this fight OK (Edward and Bella are about to hunker don for the night in the storm in the tent.) But is he going to turn her? Are they going to get married? What's going to happen in the next book? Is she going to die? Is he going to die? Ugh I am a mess. And I don't even have Book 4 yet and I am nearing the end of Eclipse! What's a vampire-obsessed girl to do?!

I am truly anxious about what is going to happen if Edward turns Bella. Will he still love her the way he loves her now? Maybe he's attracted to her life force - and if he turns her she'll be all pale and sparkly. And she's worried about this, too (the first SMART thing to come out of her mouth so far in this book). But I need to chill because she might not even make it past this fight. So....stay tuned.