SPOILER ALERT - Do not read until you're well into "Breaking Dawn", when Bella starts to resemble Linda Blair in the Exorcist.
OK - I can't believe I'm saying it, but I'm really starting to cheer for Team Jacob. Talk about saving the day. Even when Bella's at her worst, Jacob comes around cracking jokes and making everyone smile. Even Edward. And on yeah...about Edward. I love the character with every fiber of my being. COMMA HOWEVER. He is truly on my last nerve, laying at Bella's feet and whimpering like my 6 year old when she gets a paper cut. BUTCH the F UP, my friend! He definitely lost a few points for his less-than-stellar behavior through this whole pregnancy nonsense. I realize he's in pain and scared upset and and and....but still. Where's the cocky attitude now, Edward? Where's Mister "I can change my class schedule because the women in the office love me"? Where's Mister "I can drive and run and speak faster than everyone on the planet"? Where's Mister "Hop up and I'll fly you around the Pacific Northwest on my rock hard shoulders"? Nowhere to be found. Gone - almost like when he was gone in New Moon, only to be replaced by a tiny shadow of himself. I say GET UP - beat the CRAP out of Rosalie - tell Emmett to STEP the F BACK - and have Carlisle do what he needs to do. And while he's at it, he should tell Bella to shut the hell up, too. She is a menace to society. Certainly to all who love her. She's torn apart the Cullen family...and now she's torn the Pack apart as well. Is anyone ever going to stand up to her and call her out for the selfish beotch she truly is? I'm thinking no. But maybe Jacob will surprise me even more than he already has. Stay tuned! PS - I want to predict that Jacob will imprint on Leah (or is it the other way around?) but that sounds a little too predictable - and Stephenie Meyer likes to take you to the water and then rip you away before you drink. Wouldn't it be FANTASTIC if he imprinted on Rosalie? Now THAT would be SICK FUN!