Monday, June 1, 2009

Great video interview with Taylor Lautner

He says that his "breakup scene" with Bella is the most intense scene he shot. Remember it was raining and Billy and the pack were looking out the window? Ugh. It was almost as torturous as Edward in the woods when I read it the 2nd time. Watch it!


Jenn D said...

He's just so flippin' adorable!
You know he's right...of all the books, New Moon will rip your heart out, over and over again. I seriously can't wait to see this movie.

Purgatory Carol said...

New Moon - hands down - is my favorite. I loved reading it the 2nd time and I'll read it again before the movie comes out. Rereading it really makes you love Jacob. PS - November 20th! Maybe you should come then! ;)