Friday, June 12, 2009

LOST and Edward; Perfect Together

Oh holy hell - here is a LOST parody video - complete with action figures - I found on Lauren's Bite. One word: HILARIOUS. And believe it or not, it's got TONS of Edward mixed in. Even SPARKLING EDWARD! You. Will. Die. And seeing as "Edward" is filming a movie with "Claire" right now, this is even kindof topical.


Jenn D said...

This was truly hilarious! I am not a LOST watcher (I know, I know) so this parody is exactly how I see the show! LOL, all nonsense with no true direction. Now, don't jump all over me, because I'm sure its a great show, but at this late date? I'd never catch up. Really, this was so funny.
ps: LOVED the 'Sparkle' scene! ;)

shannon c said...

that was good. just like the show!! Jenn D was right the sparkle scene was good.

Purgatory Carol said...

Linda is right; Big Walt is the best part of the video. And I loved Edward's sparkling - I was howling. I have to watch it again.