Sunday, August 16, 2009


Whoa. I could have told you this would happen. It's one thing to expect people to see "The Proposal" because a New Moon trailer is showing beforehand. But Bandslam? Really? I think we all knew it would bomb. Don't get me wrong; Summit tried. They really did. The other day my 7 year old was yelling "Mommy Mommy! They just said "New Moon" on the TV!" because Summit put a teeny New Moon trailer MENTION at the end of the Bandslam commercial. On Nickelodeon. AFTER SPONGE BOB. Yes, that's right, they were so desperate, they were advertising to the "under 8" crowd. Wasn't too hard to predict the outcome there. (Actually, I think that horrifying, reggae version of Bread's "Everything I Own" was to blame, but that's just me.) Even Vanessa Hudgen's second set of naughty nekkidness pics couldn't save that flick. Oh well. Maybe this is Summit's payback for dumping Rachelle. Karma IS a boomerang.

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