Sorry I'm a little late to this party. Had a lot of stuff going on yesterday... and...uh...I dunno...I have been suffering a little withdrawal since my party the other night. I've definitely pulled back from the movie hype a little - and started reading again. Just bits and pieces of the last third of New Moon - but enough to make me feel a little more connected to the books - and a little less connected to the Hollywood bullshiz. Gah. Like I care what kind of car Rob Pattinson drives?! (Now you just hush, Jenn M.) You just get to this point where the Robsten reports start taking over - and Edward and Bella are just these figures in the background. And that is NOT cool. So let me show you something very cool that will get your juices flowing for November 20th. And I don't mean cranberries and stuffing. (LOL sorry that was bad.)
The Twilight Saga: New Moon 'Meet Jacob Black' Preview in HD
I just finally watched this version--the real HD version rather than the one someone took in the theater with their Flip video. Ho. Lee. Crap. I am sooo cautiously optimistic that this movie is going to rock.
You better have taken 11/20 off already. And tell John you won't be home until Saturday...possibly Sunday!
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