Is it me... or is this just a truly erotic photo? (Jenn D, please come out of your self-induced Alexander Skarsgard coma for just a second or two to look at this. I promise you can go right back when you're finished.)
PS - Why is Edward dressed like he's on the bomb squad?
(as I am at work, this will have to be brief, but I promise to come back and have full discussion on several of these recent posts)
First and formost: Biting is ALWAYS erotic. Even moreso when there's searing eye contact. (Look at me, Lover...oh wait, wrong series...)
The clutching, desparation, (and being able to imagine lips & teeth on skin *shudder*) just intensifies the passion. So yes, in short, this pic is HOT.
Now back to the infinitely scheduled 'Skarsgard coma'...
PS: Ditch the vest, Edward, its not like you need body armor...and it bothers me that I know you're wearing that vest without a collared shirt. Just sayin'
I highly agree. The shot is extremely erotic. Definitely right, Jenn D. - the searing eye contact and how Edward has her wrist just makes the shot....so intense.
However, I have to admit, given the choice, I would rather be bitten by Eric than Edward. Sorry, Edward. :(
Oh. My. GAWD! Jenn M! I can't believe you just said that! I haven't even sent you this week's hot Sook-ayyy/Eric dream sequence on youtube yet! God that's a conversation right there. THanks for the blog fodder. Eric Vs Edward. Stay tuned...
PS - Jenn D - I love you. And not just because we have the same Calabrese and Neapolitan blood running through our veins. (Love the blood reference or what?) Please come back and post later. I look forward to your next syllable with GREAT eagerness!
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