Monday, August 17, 2009


If this fan art doesn't remind you how much you freakin LOVED Eclipse, I'll be in shock. Squeeee! (REFRESH THIS PAGE if the graphic looks all white and funky.)

Twilight Saga : Eclipse Poster by ~Julushko-navara on deviantART


tracey R. said...

You know, I really like the whole "vamps vs. weres" thing going on in this pic, as well as the ribbon tie-in--what I do NOT get is the white dress. It kind of looks like a wedding dress, which makes me think Breaking Dawn more than Eclipse. But otherwise, it's pretty cool.

Purgatory Carol said...

Agreed. However, I figure it works since I've been reading little snippets of Eclipse this week... and Edward is insisting on a wedding. Hmmm. Maybe they're going to shock us all and incorporate the wedding into ECLIPSE?!