Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Official Twilight Convention THIS weekend in NJ!

So I'm not sure I mentioned it but I'll be attending an Official Twilight Convention in Parsippany, NJ this weekend. We are going to see "Emmett", "Alice", "Sam", "Embry" (Um, Hello? YUM!), "Angela" (Oh. My. God.) , "Eric" (La Push, baby, LA PUSH!) and the person I am STOKED to see: Catherine Hardwicke.

Jenn M., Shannon, Tracey and I will be Twittering Friday and Saturday from the event. I am setting up a Twitter account for the occasion: MyTwiPurgatory. I'll keep you posted!


Jenn M said...

ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!

Purgatory Carol said...

LOL yeah right? They should give us all special passes in Vancouver. ;)