All the Twisites are flipping out over this new graphic. But I just have to throw in my .02. Here goes:
Why does Edward's head look so big? It looks photoshopped. And what's with the claw? RPattz usually reserves that for his hair. I don't understand the shot, other than to say it's some weird parallel to that odd scary vampire photoshoot with the apple.
I just never really understood this photo shoot, seeing as it made Rob Pattinson look like Egor. Which the new graphic seems to do quite nicely as well.
Actually... what I think they're trying to accomplish, is to make Edward look scary like this photo from the Twilight marketing campaign. And we all know how Carol feels about the remaking of Edward Cullen into some scary creature, when really he was just a nice guy from a good background who drove a Volvo and set his girlfriend's friend up with the guy she liked. What we DON'T know is why I'm referring to myself in the third person. THAT is the real oddity in this post.
OK so to undo all this negative TwiKarma I've thrust upon myself, I must post a couple pictures I love that involve Edward AND Bella, lest anyone think I am ripping on Kstew or Rpattz. Cuz I am SO not.
Here is a FANTASTIC photo of KS and RP holding someone's baby. I wonder if this baby will grow up an Rpattz fan and think "Damnit if I had only been a few years older!!!"
*Thanks to inmortal for this HILARIOUSly altered photo. If I knew who took it; I'd thank them too.
And here is another graphic that curls my toes:
*Thanks to Lampoona for this awesome graphic.
Wowwy McWowwy. That. Is. SMOKIN'. Hot. Moreso than feathers. Well... maybe not feathers...
Agree about smokin' drawing...but is that KStew/RPattz/baby photo real? It looks way photoshopped to me....
I don't know but I love it even if it is.
It looks like he's about to eat the babies head. I can't figure it out
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