Just caught the last half of Sense and Sensibility on HBO. Jane Austen is something I cannot resist. Ever. If I find a Jane Austen movie on TV, I simply cannot turn it off. And when it's over, I am compelled to speak and type as if I am a character in a Jane Austen novel, and I use words like "cannot" and "simply".
If you haven't seen Sense and Sensibility; see it. I cannot say "read it" as I have not. I am embarrassed to admit I have never read a Jane Austen novel; I have only watched every single one on film. Actually reading the novels may be my next project, as I have just finished "Dead and Gone", the 9th and most recent Charlaine Harris novel and now have nothing to read. (You all know it as a little show on HBO entitled "True Blood". But that's another blog.)
At any rate, the reason you must see Sense and Sensibility is that Hugh Grant plays Edward Ferrars. Why is this significant on a Twilight blog? Well, funny you should ask. I'm about to tell you. Something about Robert Pattinson reminds me of a young Hugh Grant. The hair? Maybe. The humor? Quite possibly. OK so he's way prettier than Hugh Grant was at that age, but something tells me he'd rather be known for his acting than his looks, don't you agree? Anyway, I don't know what it is, but I think it would be delicious if Rob P. starred in a remake of Sense and Sensibility and played Hugh Grant's character, Edward Ferrars. For starters, he's already got the name down. And Stephenie Meyer sites Edward Ferrars as a character who led her to naming Edward Cullen. She also sites Jane Austen as "probably her favorite - favorite author". And you can see why when you find yourself staring at the television on a Wednesday night, listening to the wind outside and hoping upon hope that Edward and Elinor will get together (even though you've seen it multiple times and already know they will.) It's all so Twilight-esque in the romance department. Absolutely delicious. (It's my blog and I'll use "delicious" twice if I want to.) I caught Rob Pattinson's deleted scene in Vanity Fair and have been wishing for a while that he'd do a Jane Austen film remake... or at least another 19th century period piece with tons of romance and angst. Does that description not scream "Jane Austen"?? I believe it does.
OK. That is all for now. I simply cannot keep my eyelids upright. Farewell...
Oh good god. I LOVE Sense and Sensibility and I LOOOOOOVVVVVEEE Hugh Grant in it. (I too have been watching it on cable since it's been on all month for some reason.) Get ready to swoon:
"My heart is, and will forever be...
P.S. I've never read a Jane Austen book either! Maybe we need our own Jane Austen book club.
Trust me, Ladies, they're much more fun to watch on the tube with Hugh Grant than to read. Snore. :)
LOL I kindof assumed that, Jenn. But I simply must read one! Tracey, I have also seen "The Jane Austen Book Club" with everybody's favorite Carroll cheerleader, Maria Bello. I dug it, because - again - I dig all things Jane. Meanwhile, I'm headed to my book club meeting this evening and I don't even remember the name of the book, let alone have read it! I was too busy reading about SOOKAYYYY!!! PS - we watched the last episode of Season 1 True Blood today at Shannon's. And I watched the Blue Ray extras of Twilight at Nancy's - including a FABU interview with Stephenie Meyer. Run - don't walk - to buy a Blue Ray so you can enjoy all those goodies. Ever see Rob Pattinson play the piano up close like you're sitting right next to him? Neither had I. Trust me - the Blue Ray disc RAWKS.
PS - Tracey. Wowwers. What a line. And you know...we both grew up in the same house, yet who knew we both had the same affinity for uber-romantic boys? Outstanding!
LOLOL Like a fine wine, our affinities needed to grow and mature!
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