Tuesday, September 15, 2009

And speaking of Kanye...


JeDeCe said...

This is hilarious. Kanye is a douche, but there's a part of me that wants to clap him on the back and buy him a Colt 45.

(and that's because of my TB lurve, NOT because I'm the worlds biggest Taylor Swift hater. I even thought that Kanye took his douche-baggery to new levels when he stormed that stage...oh, and I found myself singing along with TS on the radio today. What. is. HAPPENING. to. me?)

Purgatory Carol said...

LOLOL! I totally feel these comments from you, becuase I know your love for all things TB. And although I am a Taylor fan, I don't feel too bad for her. She got more publicity from that one stunt than she will in the next year.

Tracey R. said...

It's not "I'm gonna." It's "Ima." LOL.

Purgatory Carol said...
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Purgatory Carol said...

I need to brush up on my net lingo, too. I need cool terms like "lamespice" and "sicknast". Get on that, Trace.