Check out the girls from "Hollywood Crush" chit chatting about some Twistuff. I wasn't going to post this until I got to the end and realized that in a ridiculous, self-absorbed way, I am the common denominator of all their stories! Allow me to elaborate. (And check out the video below or it looks like I'm just doing a butt-load of celebrity name-dropping.)
Taylor Swift grew up in Wyomissing, PA, about an hour away from where I grew up in Paoli, PA. Dave Boreanaz went to Malvern Prep, which was 10 minutes from my house. I used to see him at my high school's football games and yes, I drooled over him back then when he had the big boy haircut and sported Patagonia jackets. But it was because his dad ("Dave Roberts") was/is the weather man on Action News and I thought that was kewl.
Lastly, I SO want to make a video like this. Jenn M., Shannon and Tracey, have I not been saying we should do this for months? It's bad enough I didn't get any of my New Moon trailer reactions on camera, but now I'm missing out on the Twiscussion vids, too! We must REMEDY THIS, Ladies!
Totally semi-topic, but I still drool over David Boreanaz. ::sigh:: David. Boreanaz.
He'd be a good vamp in Breaking Dawn. Hmmm. Eleazar, perhaps?
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