Friday, September 25, 2009

Bill and Edward. Perfect together.

I love this. I wish there was a rivalry. I find it funny that Stephen Moyer is saying Rob P could be his son. Doesn't that mean Sookayyyy could be his daughter? (Ew, with all this Mackenzie Phillips weirdness this week, that's not even funny, is it?)

National Ledger - Twilight and New Moon's Rob Pattinson & True Blood's Stephen Moyer Rivalry?


Tracey R. said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again--if Vanity Fair doesn't already have its vampire cover in motion, with Annie Lebovitz locked down to shoot a cover with Bill, Eric, Edward, Vampire Boone, etc., etc., they are NUTS.

Purgatory Carol said...

Yeah. And Annie could use the cash!