Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Where's Carlisle?

I saved this one for the end of the day, hoping I'd find some better things to say about it.  Let's review. I'll do the best I can. We all know how I feel about Edward sporting a look of Cro-magnon Chic in this shot. What have they done to RPattz?! His head is the biggest thing in the poster. And the claw freaks me the hell out. Srsly. And hello? Um, Edward? Deney Terrio called. He wants his shirt back.  OK moving on. Bella looks good, albeit cozied up to Cro-magnon Man...but the breeze blowing through her hair is reminiscent of a Jordache add from the 80s. Wait. Scratch that, make that Calvin Klein.
But again, she looks great, so we'll overlook the supermodel hair.  Again - moving right along... Has anyone noticed that Carlisle is teeny-tiny and in the background? What's with that?! He's like Waldo! Doesn't seem right for a guy with one MILLION followers on Twitter. He should be like, 3rd in line, after Bella. OK - maybe 4th, behind Alice, since M'GIRL has a much larger role this time around. And speaking of Alice - she looks great - as do Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett. So "Yey!" for them, because they definitely seem to have won this round of TwiPoster Goodness. Unlike poor Esme who is stuck on the back of the bus with Carlisle. Maybe they kept her in the back just in case she had to run off set to the bathroom. You never know.


Tracey R. said...

"He's like Waldo." ROFLMAO. You better tweet that (with a link) to PFatch.

Purgatory Carol said...

LOL I don't even know how to link back to him! Wouldn't that insult him? I feel bad. If it were up to me, Carlisle would be front-and-center, baby!

JeDeCe said...

OK, so I clicked on this to get a better look at all the scariness and I have to say, I love, Love, LOVE that you called this pic 'bellaedwardCLAW!!!!!'

That out of the way, I agree with most of your points. Edward has been totally photoshoped to all hell. What's with that head? Scary. I will however not make a big deal out of the claw since I think that RPattz's hands are just about my favorite part of his anatomy. And his hair. I just can't get enough of either.
Bella looks human. Which is good! And yes, that all I'm gonna say about that.
Sad that Carlisle is stuck in the back. Do you think its the wig? LOL...well, probably not, since Jasper got a good spot. (and despite his obvious movie hair issues, I have to say that I am becoming increasingly drawn to JR. He's just a doll!)

That's all. G'nite!

Purgatory Carol said...

Love love love this commentary. Thank you. I have a love/hate relationship with RPattz' hands. (Mother of all that is holy in this world, did I just say something SO CHEEZOID as that?!) Sometimes he does the hair rake and I get the eebie jeebies. And yet - when I saw Nancy S's Blu Ray disc, I literally caught my breath when they showed "the hands" close up, playing the piano. But regardless, the claw in that shot is just...wrong. It's so...Frankenstein. AKA silly. LOL I didn't even realize I put "claw" in the file name. That is pretty amusing, is it not?! And PS - you are right on JR. I'm telling you - he is gorgeous. The only time he looks odd is...well...when he's been Jasperfied! LOL

shannon said...

It definately is a claw, my eyes go right to it. I agree with Jenn D, I really like Edwards hands I think they could work magic(if you know what I mean).

Purgatory Carol said...

Wheeee Shannon! You, go, girl! And Ladies, what kind of hands does the Sheriff of Area 5 have?! ;)