Monday, October 12, 2009

Great interview with Robert Pattinson

I enjoyed this interview with RPattz from Australia's "The Sunday Morning Herald". It's was done in Cannes in the spring... and is filled with his usual endearing, self-deprecating humor.  I cannot believe that at this juncture of his life he is STILL slumming hotel hallways looking to bum a cig. That is classic. I could soooo get drunk with this guy. *Thanks to for the photo.


Tracey R. said...

"I just don't take any of it seriously. It's just a job and while it's a job I love, girls scream out for Edward, not Robert. I still can't get a date." ROFLMAO.

And hello? Starring in an 1859 Western? WITH HUGH FREAKIN' JACKMAN?????? Good lord, buy me some popcorn and lock me in the theater NOW.

Purgatory Carol said...

"Good lord, buy me some popcorn and lock me in the theater NOW."

ROFLMAO! I know. I KNOW! How much of my life would I hand over happily for one night of KARAOKE with RPattz and "Mr. 50,000 Watts of Funkin'" himself, HUGH JACKMAN?? It's singing hottie nirvana!

Jenn M said... this guy PERFECT or what? Looks, humility...yikes!!!