OK so I just got this from my sister who flew home from her vacation in Puerto Rico this AM. What do y'all think?
Ladies, I never thought I would ever, EVER say this, but here goes:
Edward, Schmedward.
That's right girls. There's a new Sheriff of Library 5. His name is Jamie Fraser. And he will rock your ever-lovin' world.
Do the following:
1) Go to your local library or bookstore. No, forget library. You must purchase, not borrow. You won't want to return.
2) PURCHASE "Outlander" by Diana Gabaldon.
3) Lock yourself away.
4) Begin reading.
Now, Jenn M. has a bit of a head start here, as she started reading on my recommendation. So as she knows, it is a slow start. For the first 30-40 pages, you feel like you're reading a Noel Coward play: "Dahling, would you like a spot of tea? Fancy a brandy on the terrace before retiring?" Yawn. (Tho I warn you, you will need to go back and read these pages once you realize that they are in fact incredibly important to the plot.) Even the next 100 or so pages aren't exactly riveting--lots of exposition, trying to figure out exactly what the narrator's deal is (it's told by Claire, a late 20s British nurse just after WWII), lots of characters that are easy to confuse. We actually meet Jamie and, while he's certainly an interesting character, he's no Edward/Bill/Eric.
But then the plot starts to get going. And long around page 200, you find that it's hard to put down. And then....hold on to your hats, ladies.
I'm on page 706 right now. I read straight through on the plane for 4 hours--beginning at 6 a.m. I haven't been able to put it down for three days. I'm been like, EFF PUERTO RICO--I NEED TO READ!!!!!! Read on the beach. Read in the car driving around. Read well into the night. Will probably finish tonight. And the best part is that there are AT LEAST four more in the series to read!!!!!!!
Trust me, ladies--the Claire/Jamie relationship is astounding. And it's better than Twilight in one important aspect: the narrator is actually NOT annoying. Though for a long while, Claire and Bella would fight to a draw in a dope-off, Claire gets it together midway through the book and actually does some kick-ass rescuing. And Carol, you are especially loving this book because Jamie is--get this--a Scottsman. He talks in a brogue that seems like it might be annoying to read at first, but ends up not being. And he is HAWT. And gentle. And HAWT. And funny. And HAWT. And endearing. AND. HAWT.
Jenn M--back me up here, if you've read more. Everyone else, get started so we can discuss. TRUST ME!!!!!
UPDATE - she just emailed me THIS little diddy, so don't be 'spectin' any vamps:
FYI, no vamps in this. Just some witchtrials. And fairies (maybe). And time travel. And kilts.
OK, I'm in, but since I fell on my sword and suffered thru the Vampire Diaries series only to warn you all away from it...this had better be good! ;)
I will TRY. As I wrote to Tracey - I had a hard time with this book. I started in June and haven't gotten past page 49. BUT, Tracey has great taste so I will march forward. I started reading the book because Tracey once wrote in an email that her friends thought it was better than Twilight.
Yeah Jenn M. Let's be honest. Nothing will ever be better than Twilight. At least not to us. So like my instructors say in my yoga classes, acknowledge that thought... and then wave it along. We just have to accept the magnitude of Twilight in our lives and then we'll be OK because we won't go into any read thinking it will be better. I ordered this Outlander book - and Tracey is right; I have an unwavering love of the Scots. But I go into it knowing this Jamie dude is not - and never will be - Edward Cullen. (As if!) ;)
PS - Jenn D. you rule. Thanks for taking one for the team! LOL
Finished this evening. Seriously ladies, this is one great book, with one great leading man and a heroine/narrator that's really involved with the story, really interesting, and in the end, really ballsy. It's hard to compare to Twilight, but I've definitely already gone back and read parts I really liked again. Just get yourselves through the first 200 pages. I am cautiously optimistic... :-)
P.S. I've also had the book since June and have put it off and put it off, and like Jenn M, took a long time to get through the first part. But I read the remaining 600 pages in about 3 days.
That good onve past the slow beginning? Thinking of getting The Host....
Tracey C
Oh yes - read this series about 18 months-2 years ago. I can highly recommended it! (Definitely not as 'innocent' as Twilight)!
Just started it. I am only on like page 10 or so. Everyone please send me "you can get through this" vibes. LOL
Just heard from Amazon--books 3-7 have shipped!!! Only a few more days before I'm back in Jamie World--WOOT!!
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