Saturday, October 3, 2009

Stop me before I read Twilight - again!

Just a quick blurb to tell you I've decided to read Twilight - again. For the third time. One part of me is saying "What is WRONG with you?!" I have a book club book to finish by the 16th and I haven't even STARTED it yet! But the other part of me completely understands the gravitational pull toward Edward Cullen. I am a magnet and he is steel. Tonight I picked up my copy of Twilight - opened to a random page - and started reading. 10 minutes later I had to tear it out of my own hands. It was crack and I was hooked. AGAIN. Seriously. I feel like I just ran into my old boyfriend at a party and have decided I'm too weak to stay away from him anymore. It's wrong, wrong and more wrong. And yet - here I go - again. Wish me luck...


Anonymous said...

Its ok, you are not the only one. I think I am on my 8th time.....I lost count after the 5th. My hubby thinks I am INSANE......I just love my Edward~

Purgatory Carol said...

It's the only way to keep Edward - and all the Cullens - in your life! You just have to keep reading! At least we're not carrying around "The Catcher in the Rye"! ;)

JeDeCe said...

Aaahhh, yes! I do this quite often between other books myself! Just pick up one of the series and begin to read. Such deliciousness!

Anonymous said...

That's okay sweety I'm on my 3x this Month. I get thru them in 8 Days if no one else in my house is reading them. I try so hard to resist but the pain is horrid LOL That Stephenie is totally wicked putting such a hex on these books LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh so Happy to know I am not totaly off my rocker...bout 2 start the 3rd time as the pull is soooo strong!!

Tracey C

Anonymous said...

I hear ya. My problem is once I start I feel the need (obsession)to read the whole saga all the way through. I have now read it 4 times and now in the middle of the 5th. My hubby just looks at me like I've gone crazy again.

Annette Piper said...

I've been away on hols and away from all the Twilight books for two whole weeks. May have to start the series again this week ;) Withdrawal - you know how it is!

Purgatory Carol said...

Oh my gosh Annette, were you having the shakes while you were away without your books?! My sister in law was visiting the other day...she just finished New Moon and was looking for Eclipse. I started backing away slowly when she told me, thinking "Oh god - she's going to ask me for MINE!" It's a horror to be separated from them! Hope you had a great time. :)